1. Browhs word and Howells ↑

    1. Ignorance ↑

    1. British Hire corporation Ltd v ipswish plant Hire Ltd (1975) ↑

    1. mistake ↑

    1. Errors in the subject matter of the transaction ↑

    1. mutual mistaje ↑

    1. Raffles v wichelhaus (1864) ↑

    1. Tamplin Vjames (1980) ↑

    1. unilateralmistake ↑

    1. Hartogv colin and shields (1939) ↑

    1. Mistake the character and identity of parties ↑

    1. Philips V brooks Ltd (1919) 2K.B.243,KBD. ↑

    1. Ingram V Little (1951) Q.B.31;(1960)3W.L.R.504.CA ↑

    1. Lewis V Averay (no.1)(1972) 1Q.B.198;(1972)1Q.B.198;(1971)3W.L.R.603,CA ↑

    1. Reluctantly ↑

    1. North ocean shipping covHyundai construction,the Atlantic Baron(1979) ↑

    1. Applicable to the contract in the UK ↑

    1. Instead ↑

    1. Mountford v scott (1975) ↑

    1. Charnock v Liverpool corporation (1968) ↑

    1. Instead there ↑

    1. Central London property trust Ltd v High trees House Ltd(1947) ↑

    1. Promissory estopple، اگر الف نسبت به انجام امری در آینده به قول مساعد بدهد و ب به طور منطقی بر سخن او تکیه کند و متحمل هزینه شود، طبق این امر الف ملزم به پایبندی به قول خود می‌باشد. ↑

    1. D&C Builders Ltd V Rees (1966) ↑

    1. Relativity deal ↑

    1. Dunlopphermatic Tyre coltd V selfridge & co ltd (1915).A.C.847.HL ↑

    1. Viscount Hadane ↑

    1. Tweddle V Atkinson (1861) 1B.8S.393. ↑

    1. Beswick V Beswick (1968)A.C.58;(1967) 3W.L.R.932;HL ↑

    1. peter Beswick ↑

    1. Law commission ↑

    1. Contract (Rights of thirdparties) act (1999) ↑

    1. Intention to create legal relations ↑

    1. Balfour V Balfour (1979)2 K.B.571,CA ↑

    1. warrington ↑

    1. Atkin ↑

    1. Finality and completeness of contractual terms ↑

    1. Ambiguous contractual terms of the Nafs ↑

    1. Peter lind 8 co Ltd V Mersey Docks and Harbor Bourd (1972) ↑

    1. may & Butcher V the king,the (1934) 2K.B.17;(1929)All E.R.Rep.679,HL ↑

    1. Foley V classique coaches Ltd (1934)2.K.B.1,CA ↑

    1. contractual terms of the ↑

    1. Agreement tonegotiate ↑

    1. walford V miles (19922)2.A.C.128;(1992)2 W.L.R.174;(1992)1ALL E.R.453,HL ↑

    1. Bingham ↑

    1. lock – out agreement ↑

    1. implied terms ↑

    1. Liverpool city council V Irwin (1977) A.C.239;(1976)2W.L.R.562,HL ↑

    1. inter pretation (construction) ↑

    1. Mannai Inverstments co Ltd V Eagle star life Assurance co Ltd (1997) A.C.794;(1997)2 W.L.R.945;(1997)3All E.R.352,HL ↑

    1. Inverstors compensation scheme Ltd V west Brom wich Building society(no.1)(1998)1W.L.R.896;(1998)1All E.R.98,HL ↑

    1. good faith ↑

    1. Unreasonable and unfair ↑

    1. summers ↑

    1. Interfotopicture Library Ltd V stiletto visual programmes Ltd (1989) Q.B.433;(1988)2W.L.R.675,CA ↑

    1. Union Eagle Ltd V golden Achievement Ltd (1997) A.C.514;(1997)2W.L.R.341;(1997)2All E.R.215,PC(HK) ↑

    1. Huan rights ↑

    1. Horwood V millas timber& Trading coLtd (1917) 1K.B.305,C A ↑

    1. Couturier V Hastie (1856) 5 H.L.Cas 673 ↑

    1. Common Mistakes ↑

    1. Hawks and doves ↑

    1. Sherwood V walker (1887) ↑

    1. Great peace shipping Limited V Tsavliris salvage (International) Ltd (2002) Q.B.679,C.A ↑

    1. wood V Boynton 64 wis.265 (1885) ↑

    1. Visconsin ↑

    1. Change of circumstances ↑

    1. British movietonews Ltd London and District cinemas (1952),A.C.166;(1951) 2All E.R.617;H.L ↑

    1. Viscountsimon ↑

    1. Radcliffe ↑

    1. Amalgamated Investment & property cov john walker & sons (1977) 1W.L.R.164; (1976) 3 All E.R.509,CA ↑

    1. Liability provisions shall ↑

    1. Lestrange V F Graucob Ltd (1934)2 K.B.394, KBD ↑

    1. photo production Ltd V securicor transport Ltd (1928), C.A.827;(1980) 2 w.L.R.283,HL ↑

    1. remedy ↑

    1. Hopkins V tanqueray (1854) 15 CB130 ↑

    1. couchman V Hill (1947) K.B.554;(1947) 1All E R.103,C A ↑

    1. tattersalls ↑

    1. oscar chess Ltd V Williams (1957) 1 .W.L.R.370;(1957)1All E.R.325,CA ↑

    1. Disk Bentley productions Ltd V Harld smith (motors) Ltd(1965),1.W.L.R.623;(1965)2All E.R.65,CA ↑

    1. misrepresentation ↑

    1. fraudlent misrepresentation ↑

    1. negligent misrepresentation ↑

    1. innocentmisrepresetation ↑

    1. Derry V peek (1889) l.R.14APP.cas.337;(1889)5T.L.R.625,HL ↑

    1. Silence ↑

    1. Esso petroleum co Ltd V mardon (1976) Q.B.801;(1976)2 W.L.R.583,CA ↑

    1. Logical reasoning and rational beliefs ↑

    1. Howard marine and Dredging co Ltd V A. Ogden 8 sons(Excavations) Ltd 1978 ↑

    1. L1oyd Register ↑

    1. Compensation for damages caused by breach of contract ↑

    1. Right to terminate the main condition ↑

    1. Hongkong fir shipping c. Ltd V Kawasaki kisen kaish Ltd (1962)2Q.B.26 ↑

    1. Arcos Ltd V E.A Ronaasen and son (1933)A.C.470;(1933)45L1.L.Rep.33,HL ↑

    1. Hansa Nord,the chehave NV VBremer Handels GmbH(1976) ↑

    1. Sale and supply of goods Act(1994) ↑

    1. Compensation ↑

    1. And how to estimate the expected benefits ↑

    1. Jarvis V swans Tours Ltd (1973) Q.B.233;(1972)3 W.L.R.954;CA ↑

    1. Sussex ↑

    1. Gatwick ↑

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