1. . Ibid.

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    1. . Forastieri, V, op.cit, pp 21-54. ↑

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . Ibid.

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    1. . Fassa. A.G, Health Benefits of Eliminating Child Labour, ILO, Geneva, 2003, pp 1-107, at 17. Available at: www.ilo.org/ipecinfo/product/download.do;jsessionid…id. ↑

    1. . Black, Maggie, A Handbook on Advocacy Child Domestic Workers: Finding a Voice, Anti-Slavery International, 2002, pp 1-70, at 7, Available at: www.antislavery.org/includes /…/cm …/advocacyhandbookeng.pdf. ↑

    1. . The Department of Social Welfare and Development. ↑

    1. . Flores-Oebanda, Cecilia, Addressing Vulnerability and Exploitation of Child Domestic Workers: An Open Challenge to End a Hidden Shame, United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW) in collaboration with UNICEF Expert Group Meeting Elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child UNICEF Innocent Research Centre Florence, 2006, pp 1-10, at 3, Available at: www.un.org/…girlchild/…/ EP. 10%20%Flores%20Oebanda.pdf. ↑

    1. . Abuse among Child Domestic Workers: A Research Study in West Bengal, Calcutta, India, 2006, pp 1-34, at 10. Available at: www.crin.org/resources/infodetail.asp?id=10060. ↑

    1. . State of The World’s Children 1997, op.cit, p 40. ↑

    1. . Ibid, p 41. ↑

    1. . Nuwayhid I.A et al: Health of Children Working in Small Urban Industrial Shops, in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Vol. 62, No. 2, 2005, pp 86-94, Available at: www.Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1740960. ↑

    1. . جمال بیگی، بزه دیدگی اطفال در حقوق ایران، تهران، نشر میزان، ۱۳۸۴، صص ۱۵۱- ۱۵۲٫ ↑

    1. . همان. ↑

    1. . همان. ↑

    1. . Diallo, Yacouba; Hagemann, Frank; Etienne, Alex; Gurbuzer, Yonca and Mehran, Farhad, Global child labour developments: Measuring Trends from 2004 to 2008, ILO, Geneva, 2010, pp 1-54, at 6-14. Available at: www.ilo.org/ipecinfo/product/viewProduct.do? ProductId=13313. ↑

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . Ibid. ↑

    1. . Ibid. ↑

    1. . Ibid. ↑

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . ILO, Eliminating the Worst Form of Child Labour: A Practical Guide to ILO Convention No. 182: Handbook for Parliamentarians No.3, 2002, pp 1-149, at pp 29-31. Available at:www.ilo.org/ipecinfo/product/viewProduct. Do ? productld=1200. ↑

    1. . Bequele.A and Myers. W.E, First Things First in Child Labour: Eliminating Work Detrimental to Children, International Labour Office, Geneva, 1995, pp 1-161, at 5. ↑

    1. . Clark-Bennett, Robin; Hodne, Carol, and Sherer, Jennifer, Child Labour and Health, Adult Education Workshop, Child Labor Research Initiative University of Iowa Labor Center , University of Iowa Human Rights, 2004, pp 1-8, at 1, Available at: www.Continuetolearn .uiowa.edu/ laborctr/child_labor/…/clpephealthh. ↑

    1. . Bizzari, G, Child Labour Prevention in Agriculture: Junior Farmer Field and Life School- Facilitators Guide, FAO, 2010, pp 1-72, at 27, available at: www.fao.org/docrep/013/i1897e/ i1897e.pdf. ↑

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . Ibid.

    1. . International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966. ↑

    1. . International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966. ↑

    1. . Declaration of the Rights of the Child 1959. ↑

    1. . Convention on the Rights of the Child ↑

    1. . Sex Trafficking Protocol ↑

    1. . Child Soldiers Protocol ↑

    1. . Minimum Age Convention ↑

    1. .Minimum Age (Industry) Convention, 1937 ↑

    1. . White Lead (Painting) Convention,1921 ↑

    1. .Lead Poisoning (Women and Children) Recommendation, 1919 ↑

    1. . Night Work of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, 1919 ↑

    1. . Night Work of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, 1948 ↑

    1. . Night Work (Bakeries) Convention, 1925 ↑

    1. . Worst form of Child Labour, 1999 ↑

    1. . Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189) ↑

    1. . Domestic Workers Recommendation, 2011 (No. 201) ↑

    1. . African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child8 ↑

    1. . European Convention on the Exercise of Children’s Rights ↑

    1. . African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights ↑

    1. . American Convention on Human Rights (Pact of San Jose) ↑

    1. ۱٫ The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948. ↑

    1. . The Slave Convention, 1926. ↑

    1. . Alfredsson, Gudmundur and Eide, Asbjqorn, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Common Standard of Achievement, Published by Kluwer Law International, Netherland, 1999, pp 1-775, at 106. ↑

    1. . International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Department of Human and Trade Union Rights, Forced Labour, Mini Action Guide, 2008, pp 1-50, at 20-22. Available at: www.ituc-csi.org/IMG/pdf/guide_forced_labour_en.pdf

    1. . Debt Bondage. ↑

    1. . Child Labour: A Textbook for University Students, op.cit, p 35. ↑

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